Musculoskeletal physiotherapy involves comprehensive assessment, clinical diagnosis, 'hands on' manual therapy treatment and management for muscle, bone, nerve and joint conditions including

- Spinal pain (neck, upper and lower back and sacroilliac joint pain; acute and chronic)
- Pelvic instability and pain
- Pregnancy back/pelvic pain
- Bursitis
- Tendinitis or tendinopathy (e.g rotator cuff or tennis elbow)
- Arthritis of many kinds
- Headaches
- Dislocations and fractures
- Fibromyalgia
- Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
- Lymphodema
- Frozen shoulder
- Sciatica or nerve impingement (e.g carpal tunnel)
- Muscle strain or ligament sprain
- Meniscus or labral tears
- TMJ (jaw) dysfunction
- BPPV (vertigo) and dizziness
- Overuse injuries (e.g osteitis pubis)
- Sports injuries
- Work & vehicle related accidents
We can improve your condition and speed healing times, but moreover, we take pride in teaching patients to better self manage their condition. This may involve the progression of a home exercise program, TENs machine, Bakballs, pillow prescription, self massage or roller.
We assist you to achieve your short and long term functional goals with guidance and advice. Our aim is to assess your stability, muscle recruitment, proprioception, balance, coordination, strength, power, flexibility and posture in a functional setting and with a biomechanical assessment. This enables us to totally relieve or reduce your pain and prevent reoccurrences.

Treatment options include
- Hands on Treatment
- joint mobilisation
- joint manipulations
- soft tissue massage
- stretching
- muscle energy techniques
- mulligan techniques
- Taping or bracing
- Dry needling
- Ultrasound
- Home/gym or workplace exercise programs
- Exercise groups to improve posture, strength and core control - Clinical Exercise Group
- Intensive individualised rehab - Body and Brain Rehab
- Hydrotherapy
- Posture retraining
- Education
- Post-operative rehabilitation
Contact us now for your assessment.